Social Care

Social Care concerns itself with helping people live their lives comfortably, particularly those people who require a certain degree of extra practical and physical help.

Social care workers endeavour to provide this service of practical support with a view of helping individuals maintain their independence, to increase their quality of life and to help them lead fuller more enjoyable lives.

Social care workers often just help out with those everyday tasks that seem small to the average person, but can make a massive difference to someone else's life as well as being a rewarding experience for the carer involved.

What is Social Care

Those involved in social care choose their job because they involve helping people live their lives to the highest possible quality. Whether that be someone requiring a lot of intense help or just helping those who require a small amount of practical help. Social care careers are often available as both part-time and full-time vacancies with a variety of different working hours well outside the typical 9-5 drudgery.

This means most social care workers can fit their work around other commitments. Although a number of job vacancies require a formal qualification, social care workers are often chosen due to their attitude and life experiences with full training provided. Social care covers a broad age range of people, including the elderly, disabled individuals, people requiring mental health services, individuals with learning disabilities, children, families and young people.

You can generally choose the group of people you want to work with. Tasks can be as varied as they come, for example one day you could be helping someone cook their dinner, do the washing or hoover the carpet and the following day you may be working with another person requiring you to do the shopping, help them bathe or even take them to a doctors appointment. It is a rewarding and empathetic career to be involved in.

Social care has provided many wondrous things for communities all across Britain. It is an specialist study committed to the pursuit of social welfare and social change. Many people involved with social care work towards research and practice goals to improve the quality of life within the UK's population.

Social care focuses on individuals, groups and communities and you can see all of the hard work social care workers have accomplished in various neighbourhoods across the UK. Social care is high on the governments agenda with large proportions of money from local governments being poured into social care events.

Social care has revamped the standard of living for those threatened or vulnerable to society offering support for the elderly, support for people with mental health needs, support for those with learning and physical disabilities, support for those suffering from alcohol and substance abuse problems, the homeless, victims of domestic abuse, children in need of foster care, adoption, child protection, young offenders and unemployed or homeless children.

It is through protecting and providing for these people that social care has changed the shape of future culture by helping those in need to ensure they have a full quality of life and will become functioning members of society.